In a world where democracy is constantly questioned and distrust of institutional and traditional forms of government is increasing, civil society is opening up an opportunity to deepen the exploration and reencounter with the deliberative practices of the global south. It is time to recognize the unique forms of conversation, argumentation and decision making that communities have designed in different contexts, as spaces where global and local governance is nurtured.
In Demo.Reset 2.0 through the agents of change (Demoreseters) we will follow the stories of multiple organizations, alliances and deliberative practices that share common challenges and solutions, seeking collective action strategies, deconstructing and resignifying, in order to overcome the barriers to deliberation in our territories.
Who are DemoReseters:
Agents of change?
In the journey of communities, change agents, whom we will call DemoReseters, are those who share the creative spirit to transform and/or nurture local/global governance models and have multiple powers to carry out their deliberative processes.

Why is this necessary?
The conditions of global citizenship have changed rapidly and traditional approaches to deliberation and democratic participation require transformations that recognize the differential practices constructed from citizenship and from the global south.

It is time to broaden dialogues from the South and nurture traditional forms of deliberation with modifications and adaptations coming from unexpected and unique communities and processes. In this way they will contribute to a permanent citizenship where memory and narrative will strengthen expanded and diverse governance.
Differential deliberation practices
Demo.Reset 2.0 allows them to recognize their strengths and facilitate exchanges to learn from each other’s common challenges. Some organizations are adept at engaging local communities, while others are strong in designing methodologies for deliberation. By weaving and strengthening the bridges of this community of practice, Demo.Reset 2.0 becomes a compass that directs to new encounters and adventures in the journey of deliberation in the global South.
What is a differential practice?
A differential deliberative practice is a methodology, process, space, and/or tool for conversation that brings together the visions, opinions or thoughts of diverse groups of people to consider carefully and thoughtfully the pros and cons of a decision before adopting it. Sometimes this practice can reach consensus and/or influence local authorities on a topic of common interest.
The stages

The world of common goals, the call for adventure
Demoreset 2.0 launches its call for DemoReseters from the Global South!, change agents (Demoreseters) who want to connect in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Developing powers and strategies: The revelation.
Demoreseters from the Global South share their unique powers and strategies to overcome obstacles in an exciting collaborative game.

The world - crossing the threshold
A collaborative journey through the Global South: exploring five regions, overcoming challenges, sharing wisdom and practices. Focus on connecting needs and solutions.

The call for global collaboration
The journey becomes a global collaboration. The organizations and communities that have completed their technical and methodological accompaniment process to strengthen their differential practices.